To enter The Barrie Triathlon using please follow these steps:
- Type your name and other information into the form below and click on the submit button.
- Use your Amex, Visa or Mastercard credit card to pay for your entry. The transaction will be processed securely in Canadian dollars.
- Once you have successfully paid for your entry your information will automatically be added to the event database and the confirmation page for the event will be updated. Depending on your Internet connection, this process may take about 16 seconds. During this time do not click your Browser's back button or stop button.
ENTRY FEES | Until July 4th | July 5th and after | Triathlon Ontario Day of Race License Fee (per person) |
Triathlon/Duathlon | $60 | $70 | $8 |
Kids of Steel | $35 | $45 | $6 ($2 for ages 6 - 7) |