Online Registration

To enter the Firefighters 10 Mile Road Race using please follow these steps:

  1. Type your name and other information into the form below and click on the submit button.
  2. Use your AMEX, Visa or Mastercard credit card to pay for your entry. The transaction will be processed securely in Canadian dollars.
  3. Once you have successfully paid for your entry your information will automatically be added to the event database and the confirmation page for the event will be updated. Depending on your Internet connection, this process may take about 16 seconds. During this time do not click your Browser's back button or stop button.
ENTRY FEES Until April 30, 2014 May 1 to May 8, 2014 May 9 to May 13, 2014
10 Mile Road Race Individual $55.00
Tech shirt included
No Shirt option No Shirt option
Tech shirt not included
Tech shirt not included
Tech shirt not included
10 Mile Road Race Relay $50 Per team
Tech shirt not included
$60 Per team
Tech shirt not included
$65 Per team
Tech shirt not included
  • Online Registration will close on May 13 2014 at 5:00pm local time.
  • Tech shirts for individual event entrants are available prior to Midnight April 30, 2014
  • Shirts may be purchased at retail cost through Sportop Marketing Inc. after April 30, 2014
  • Sample shirts will be available for fitting at Sportop Marketing Inc., 712 MacDonell Street, Thunder Bay, ON
  • For mail in registration, drop off or mail in before Thursday May 9 at Fresh Air Experience, 311 Victoria Ave E. Thunder Bay, ON, P7C 1A4
  • Race kits must be picked up prior to race day at one of the following locations, no exeptions
    - Thursday May 16 2014: from 5-8pm at Halfway Motors Nissan, 940 Memorial Ave.
    - Sunday May 19 2014: from 4-7pm at The Columbus Center, 301 May Street South
  • All entries are non-refundable and non-transferable.
  • Cash prizes for the top "10 in the 10" mile overall male and female finishers.
    1st place 2nd place 3rd place 4th place 5th place 6th place 7th place 8th place 9th place 10th place
    $650.00 $500.00 $350.00 $250.00 $200.00 $175.00 $150.00 $125.00 $100.00 $75.00

    *Set an age group record and win a $100.00 prize
  • Fee does not include the Eventsonline service charge.
  • Pasta dinner on May 19 from 5-7pm at the Columbus Center.
  • Pasta dinner is free to individual runners, Extra pasta dinner tickets can be purchased for $10 each.
  • Shirts may be purchased at retail cost through Sportop Marketing Inc. after the early registration
  • *For mail in registration, drop off or mail in before Thursday May 9th at Fresh Air Experience, 311 Victoria Ave E. Thunder bay, ON, P7C 1A4
  • To register for an individual event click here.


*Team name/School affiliation:

Last Name First Name Age on race day Gender Pasta Dinner
Runner 1 M
Runner 2 M
Runner 3 M
Runner 4 M
Runner 5 M
*Contact First name:
*Contact Last name:
*Province or State: Please use 2 letter abbreviation
*Postal code or Zip code:
*Day Phone number:
Evening Phone number:
*Email address:
*Confirm Email address:
In order to ensure you receive all emails from us, add to your email contact list.
*Additional Pasta Dinner tickets: Bring guests for $10.00 per person.


In consideration of the Thunder Bay Professional firefighters Association, the city of Thunder Bay, The 10 Mile Road Race and members of the organzing committee and all other volunteers and sponsors accepting my entry, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assignees, waive and release the T.B.P.F.A, the City of Thunder Bay and their members and employees and members of the organizing committee and all other race volunteers of all claims and all responsibikity for damages, injuries and loss of articles which I may sustain as a participant in the Ten Mile road Race. I acknowledge and understand all risks associated with this event and attest to be sufficinetly trained to participate. I have read and fully understnd this release/waiver.

Check this tick box to agree to the waiver: